We create advanced digital experiences that help companies optimizing their online business.
Digital business strategy
A successful digital strategy creates the ground for ensuring business performances. Based on quantitative and qualitative metrics, our customer-driven methodological framework outlines the most suitable digital activities for the business goals and Customer Journey steps.
- Target audiences & segments personas
- Market Research & Analysis
- Brand & Products positioning
- ZMOT, FMOT & SMOT Analysis
- E-commerce Customer Experience
- Digital Marketing Strategy
Interaction and visual design
Thanks to a scientific methodology coming from the the academic world and related to service design, we propose successful digital interfaces consistent with the Brand and satisfying both user’s and stakeholder’s goals.
- E-commerce Customer Experience
- Requirement Analysis (AWARE method)
- User profiles and personas
- Conceptual Design (INSIDE method)
- Interaction Design (SCENT method)
- User Experience Design and Evaluation (MUSE Method)
- UI & Visual Design
- Accessibility design
Branding and communication design
Starting from a holistic approach, we design/refine consistent digital identities and their communicative eco-system. A successful branding and communication strategy is directly connected to consumer needs, emotions, and competitive environments.
- Brand analysis & research
- Brand architecture
- Brand DNA & essence
- Brand messaging
- Visual identity
- Content strategy & production
- Packaging design
- Exhibition/stand layout
Advanced digital technology
Thanks to extremely vertical skills in the different development areas and to the support of highly performing partners, we develop scalable and reliable headless technological solutions, tailored to the clients’ needs and markets.
- Headless CMS (Contentful)
- Headless e-commerce (Commercetools, Crystallize)
- DXP (Ibexa)
- E-commerce (Magento Commerce)
- Systems integration
- Maintenance
- Performance monitoring
- Analytics and GTM management
- Accessibility development
Advertising, promotion & fidelization
We plan, execute, and manage all the key promotion digital actions in consistency with the digital strategy and through ad-hoc KPIs definition and monitoring.
- Marketing Automation
- Influencer Marketing
- Digital Advertising
- Search Engine Optimization
- Conversion Rate Optimization
- Customer Relationship Management
- Social Media Management